Welcome to The Circle

The Circle is an exciting game for intelligent, creative and slightly morbid students who want to kill their friends... without hurting them.

Who am I?

You are the Circle. I am CENTRAL.

What are the legal weapons of the game?

Due to our current climate of increased concern over guns and other weaponry on campus, the ONLY legal weapon allowed in this game is the SKULL STICKER. Each assassin will be supplied 5 stickers.


Sticker Rules

  • You attack a target by sticking a sticker on them

  • A kill counts only if it is placed without the target’s knowledge

  • Assassins will call attention to the sticker, or better yet, someone else will, and then the kill is confirmed.

  • In the instance of a counter-assassination, a kill can be made with the knowledge of the assassin/target.

  • Please text a PHOTO CONFIRMATION of the kill to CENTRAL

Types of Sticker Kills

  • Backstab - Sticker on the back. +5 points

  • Silenced Pistol Shot - Sticker to hair, glasses, or hat. +5 points

  • Poisoned - Sticker to bottom of plate or drinking glass. +10 points

  • Cut Throat - Sticker to side or front collar. +15 points

  • Poison Needle - Sticker to foot, hand, glove, watch, inside shoe, fingernail. +15 points

  • Sucking Chest Wound - Sticker to chest. +15 points

  • Warning Shot - Sticker to textbook, name tag, car window, etc. No Points

  • Bomb - Sticker in envelope or package target opens. +20 points
    ~be careful not to get a real bomb threat called in. Big trouble

  • Legs and arms are only wounding strikes. No kill. No points

  • Be creative - Make up your own. Ask CENTRAL first

When you eliminate a target, please take their stickers from them and add them to your stock of ammunition.

If an assassin runs out of stickers, he or she is considered defenseless, and quite frankly, a bad shot.

What is the Point System?

CENTRAL will apply points to assassins for posterity.  CENTRAL hopes to inspire cleverness, finesse, skill, and loyalty via the point system. CENTRAL also hopes to manipulate and exploit the competitive nature of confirmed agent assassins.

Positive Points

  • +20 for each assassination performed

  • +10 for great bravery during an assassination

  • +10 for an exceptionally ingenious or creative kill

  • +10 for an exceptionally treacherous or duplicitous kill

  • +10 for dying in a very realistic or artistic fashion

  • +40 for being the sole surviving assassin

  • various points may be applied for types of kills (See above).

Negative Points

  • -10 for poor sportsmanship

  • -10 for failure to send photo confirmation of the kill to CENTRAL

  • -20 or death for dangerous behavior

  • -40 or death for attacking in off limits areas

  • -40 or death for fraudulent kills

CENTRAL is the final say for all point totals.

How do I counter-assassinate?

If a target realizes that they are under attack, the target may use their legal weaponry to defend. It is quite possible (especially if the assassin attacking is slow, clumsy, or overly-dramatic) for the target to turn the tables and kill their assassin.

The player who is hit first is dead.

In the off chance, both assassin and target strikes at exactly the same time, both assassins are dead and CENTRAL should be notified immediately.

It may occur that a target is attacked unsuccessfully and discovers the identity of his assassin. If this happens, the target is free to hunt his assassin. If the target kills his assassin, CENTRAL should be notified immediately.

Keep your weapon handy.

Can I commit suicide?

An assassin may drop out of the game at any time by committing “Suicide.”

The assassin MUST alert CENTRAL before their untimely death.

Suicides will be posted and new targets will be assigned.

Are there off limits areas for play?

Certain areas are deemed off limits by CENTRAL. No killing may take place in or from any off limits areas. If this occurs, CENTRAL will declare the victim alive and the assassin will be killed by CENTRAL for going rogue.

  • Art Club Meetings and the room they occur in (There will be a 5 minute “no kill” period after each meeting)

  • Public restrooms for the opposite sex

  • Classrooms while class is in session. Fair game if class is over

  • Churches, etc., during service

  • Art Galleries, Museums, and other applicable venues

  • Judicial or legislative chambers

  • Police stations

  • Hospitals or infirmaries

  • Moving automobiles or vehicles of any kind - this includes vehicles stopped in traffic

You may not kill indirectly in off limits areas.

  • Poison Drinks

  • Plant Bombs

  • Any Other Death-trap

You may not attack into a kill zone from an off limits area or vice versa.

How does the game end?

CENTRAL will end the game when there is one assassin left standing.

CENTRAL may also end the game due to the following reasons:

  • Time runs out

  • Conditions pressure a complete cover up (administration gets involved, police investigation, etc…)

  • Assassins go rogue

CENTRAL can end the game at any time, for any reason. All assassins would be contacted via txt and/or email.

When does the game start?

CENTRAL will declare when the game begins.

The game begins when all assassins are confirmed “Ready”, contracts have been delivered, and all rules have been read and understood.

Okay, I’m an Assassin. Now what?

Assassins will be identified by a call sign. Only CENTRAL and the assassin who has another assassin as a contracted target will know the true name of a target.

Assassins will play with common sense. They will play safely and not in a manner that will get them arrested, suspended or expelled.

CENTRAL can kill an assassin at any time, for any reason, thus removing them from the game immediately.

Play responsibly and with honor, or die.

Who or what is CENTRAL?

CENTRAL is the call sign of the entity organizing and moderating The Circle, a secret game of assassins.


You will report the following information to CENTRAL:

  • Call Sign

  • Phone Number (for texts)

  • Primary Email Address

You will receive a contract from CENTRAL when the game begins. Your contract will detail your target. You are to kill your target.

CENTRAL is the adjudicating authority, the final say. CENTRAL will specify the exact rules of the game which will include the terms of a confirmed kill. Confirmed kills will be posted to Discord and this site, and new targets will be assigned.

Central may also post:

  • Call Signs of dead assassins

  • Call Signs of new assassin entering the game

  • Rules changes with their effective time

  • Announcements of cumulative scores

  • News reports detailing particularly ingenious and/or messy kills

  • Challenges for duels, and other messages between assassins

CENTRAL can answer any and all questions, make rulings, solve problems, assign target changes, and may declare any assassin dead (or alive) at any time, for any reason.

CENTRAL cannot be killed.